For the past few weeks the strangest phrase has been rattling around in my head: “Tentacles of Memory.” I decided to do a little research on ‘tentacles.’ The word comes from Latin, meaning, ‘to feel, to probe.’ I was astounded to learn that the octopus has suction cups on its tentacles that have ‘chemoreceptors’ which allow it to taste what it touches! Amazing! I think memory is a bit like that.
Approaching our second Christmas in Orkney, I feel a bit like an octopus, which relies on its tentacles to navigate, explore its surroundings and find its’ sustenance. Although we are settled here, content to be where God has placed us, I find I have to reach back, snatching images from Christmases past to get my bearings! Geography separates us from almost all of those we have ever known and loved. These days I am finding great comfort in reminiscence. It is good to remember, good to feel, and good to share snapshots of the life God has given! He knows the plans He has for us. Our past… every event and relationship, each memory (sweet or sorrowful), forms an expertly laid foundation for building the future He has in store. He causes ALL things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose! I am learning to become like a child again, trusting a Father who is perfect in wisdom and good in all His ways. When I am tempted to doubt, I remember the Cross. There I find proof of His love and intentions.
Christmas is the fulcrum. The Father has given us every good and perfect gift…greatest of all, the opportunity for repentance, forgiveness and transformation in Jesus. As we take time to look back with our God-given ‘tentacles of memory,’ we will taste and see that He is good! May we choose to surrender our lives in faith, through obedience. He alone is worthy.
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