and what I say to you I say to all:
Stay awake!!!
(Mark 13:32-36)
I highly recommend doing a bit of research on You will find video clips of Klaus Schwab (head of the World Economic Forum) predicting that the upcoming Cyber Pandemic will make the Corona Virus look like child's play in comparison, bringing massive global disruption. If the WEF stays true to its usual modus operandi, we might expect such an event to unfold in the relatively near future. Some are saying early autumn.
What might this mean?
- No access to money in the bank
- No communication/internet
- No power
- Severe food shortages
- No ability to travel
The answer is multi-faceted. In short? TOTAL GLOBAL CONTROL over finances and all resources necessary for life. The most diabolical goal??? The implementation of a mandatory digital identification, without which no one will be allowed to participate in the New World Order. Below are screenshots of former Prime Minister Tony Blair's recommendation in the case of a massive cyber attack:
I have just begun reading an excellent book, called "Get Prepared Now", by Michael Snyder and Barbara Fix. Please consider ordering it NOW and getting prepared while there is still time.
2 Chronicles 16:9
Soli Deo Gloria!