"Teacher, look! What wonderful stones and wonderful buildings!"
"You see these great buildings?
Not one stone will be left on another which will not be torn down!"
I can only imagine the climb up the Mount of Olives might have been a silent one. Jesus sits down in the shade, Peter, James, John and Andrew find the courage to speak:
"Tell us, when will these things happen
and what will be the signs when these things are about to be fulfilled?"
In Mark 13, Matthew 24 and Luke 21 Jesus speaks of wars, earthquakes, persecutions...
There is also a message within the message however, His tone is that of a concerned parent, or an army captain speaking to his troops as they go to battle:
"See that no one misleads you!"
"Be on your guard!"
"Stay constantly alert!"
"Be on your guard; I have told you everything in advance!"
"Stay awake!!!"
Jesus took great care to prepare us for what is coming. He warned John (in Revelation 13) about a time when everyone in the world would be required to receive a "mark" on the forehead or hand, without which no one can buy or sell. He also warned that those who receive the "mark" on his forehead or hand "will drink the wine of God's wrath."We cannot afford to ignore His warnings.
I fully believe the foundations for this "mark" have been laid. My goal in writing is that no one will be caught off-guard by the enemy, who is coming to steal, kill and destroy. May the Lord enable me to communicate clearly! He who has an ear, let him hear.
I don't pretend to understand this tangled web, but I will share what I have learned:
1) The World Economic Forum: It is a membership-based organization made up of the world's largest corporations. Their mission is as follows:
"committed to improving the state of the world
by engaging business political, academic and other leaders of society
to shape global, regional, and industrial agendas."
They meet annually in January in Davos, Switzerland. According to Wikipedia they are criticized for their formation of a 'global elite,' their undemocratic decision-making processes, and a lack of financial transparency. The focus of their meeting in 2018 was the development of a "UDI" (Universal Digital Identification). This has already been implemented in India and several other underprivileged nations.
2) The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
3) GAVI: "The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization." It was created in 2000 and is funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundations, Allied Governments and the Vaccine Industry. Though their stated goal is to provide "increasing access" to immunization," these private donors have exerted excess influence, having no experience in health care systems.
Their approach to public health has been described as "business-oriented and technology-focused, using market-oriented measures."
Wikipedia states: there are worries that GAVI was "undermining and paralyzing health care systems." It also states that GAVI tends to focus solely on vaccines, rather than supporting health care systems. A report in 2012 stated that GAVI "focused on funding expensive new vaccines and NEGLECTING TO GIVE CHILDREN CHEAP (proven) OLDER ONES." (Does this call to mind the more recent campaign against the use of hydrochloroquine and as a treatment for Covid?)
4) The ID2020 Alliance: "Helping to Define Good Digital ID"
"ID2020 is building a new global model for the design, funding
and implementation of digital ID solutions and technologies."
They are headquartered in New York City.
Founding Partners listed are as follows:
1) GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance (Gates)
2) Microsoft (Gates)
3) Accenture (A subsidiary of Microsoft)
4) The Rockefeller Foundation
5) Mastercard: "World Beyond Cash"
WHAT is the AGENDA???
BIO-METRIC DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION. This platform was officially launched in 2018 and has been "adapted" for "Covid." (How convenient!)
GAVI and Mastercard have partnered to introduce a "WELLNESS PASS" or "CoviPass".
It is a digital vaccination record and identity system linked to a "click to pay" system. it links:
-Biometrical ID
-Vaccinations records
-Payment system
"Into a single, cohesive platform." This technology eliminates the need for use of "personal names" and is being pursued for use with prison systems for purposes of "surveillance" and "predictive policing."
It will eventually replace money entirely and will be required to BUY FOOD, TRAVEL, UTILIZE GOVERNMENT SERVICES, SEE A DOCTOR, ACCESS MONEYS, ETC.
Where will this be used?
This will be implemented globally.
Sadly it has already been introduced in unsuspecting, underprivileged countries in Africa and Asia. India has made it mandatory. A Christian man in India sued the Indian government, saying the UDI system went against his religious beliefs (suspecting it is the 'mark of the beast'. His case went to the supreme court, where his request for exemption was rejected.
Why is this happening?
It is the fruit of Satan's rebellion against God. Satan and those who serve him crave power and control. Universal Digital Identification will allow every person who submits to be continually tracked and monitored.
Romans 12:1 says:
"I beseech you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."
The Lord has forbidden us to receive such a "mark" on our bodies. He has sealed us with the Holy Spirit. To receive the "mark" is to transfer our allegiance (worship) from God Almighty to the Prince of this world, forfeiting grace and inviting God's wrath.
This is a time of great testing among believers
When will this be implemented?
From now until the Lord returns. The net has been cast and the drawstring is pulled tighter by the day. The purpose of the restrictions related to "Covid" is to deprive us of the joys and even the necessities in life...to weaken our resolve so we will be more likely to submit to the Agenda.
How is the ID given?
The Gates Foundation has worked with Rice University, funding the development of a "Quantum Dot Infrared Tattoo" which is invisible to the naked eye. It delivers a unique array of tiny, encapsulated particles of copper. It is given, with the vaccine, via a small patch of 400 micro-needles. It is a bit like a small bandaid and will be attractive, as it is not as painful as receiving a regular injection or a microchip. Unlike a chip however, it cannot be removed.
By the way, several versions of the experimental Covid vaccine contain fetal cells derived from aborted babies. (I did't believe it until I did some research).
There is one piece of the puzzle that put to rest any doubts I had:
On March 26 of this year (2020) Microsoft was granted a patent for a crypto-currency application for this "Trust Stamp."
It was filed under the patent number:
(World Order 2020 060606)
Now What???
We have a short window of time to make preparations, to share the gospel, to network and prepare for a time of hardship. We have been warned by Bill Gates and government officials that "Life will not return to 'normal' until we have 'proof of immunity.'" We have been warned. I have been looking at Hebrews chapter 11 for inspiration...asking myself these questions:
Am I ready to joyfully accept the confiscation of my property in anticipation of an eternal reward in the Kingdom?
Is my faith strong enough to sustain me when I am destitute and clothed in rags?
Do I have the courage to suffer mocking, beating, chains and even imprisonment?
Would I rather die than betray my Lord, who bought me with His own blood?
I suspect the enemy will use the oldest trick in the book in tempting us to give in:
"Did God really say???"
May we not be surprised by the fiery trials ahead, but let us rejoice as we share in Christ's sufferings. He is worthy! His strength is made perfect in our weakness. As we are faithful our "momentary affliction" will result in an eternal reward. Keep your eyes on the prize.