Below are excerpts from an article entitled "Looking Forward to the End of Humanity," published in the Wall Street Journal last June:
"People have always feared death and dreamed of escaping it. But until now, that hope has been formulated in religious terms. Eternal life through advanced technology seems like a pipe dream...Yet Covid-19 may turn out to be just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts to create what its advocates call a 'transhuman future.'
Transhumanists envision several possible avenues to immortality. Nanorobots could live inside our cells...genetic engineering could eliminate the mechanisms that cause us to age...Ultimately however, the hope is that we won't just use computers--we'll become them."
In his book, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution," Klaus Schwab describes plans to "fuse biology and technology in a way that causes us to question what it means to be human."
"A simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes.
It allows researcher to alter DNA sequences and modify gene function."
As recently as November of 2020 a genetic-engineering news site published the following warning in a report:
- 1) DNA is a complex molecule found in virtually every cell
- 2) It contains ALL of the information needed to build and maintain an organism
- 3) Portions of DNA are passed along to our children
There are about 15,000,000,000 of these cells in the body of an average adult! No wonder King David, inspired by the Spirit, proclaimed:
"I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully
and wonderfully made!" (Psalm 139:14)
- There has NEVER been a successful trial of mRNA vaccines in animals, because the animals inoculated in the trials all DIED.
- At the date of publishing of this blog, 1,913 people in the U.S. have died after being vaccinated.
- In the U.K. (with a much smaller population) 534 people have died.
- 28 young women who were vaccinated in order to work in the 'health care setting' suffered spontaneous miscarriage.
- 68,996 people in the U.K. have suffered serious side effects which involve their central nervous system!
- Any alterations or damage to the DNA caused by these 'vaccines will likley be passed on to future generations!
- And yet the WHO, the CDC and the mainstream media insist the 'vaccines' are safe!
The tyrannical nature and global scope of the Covid-19 nightmare has given me cause to wonder if we are witnessing the rise of the fourth and finally worldly kingdom as described by the prophet Daniel in chapter 2.
This week, in reviewing my study of this kingdom, I was startled by something I had not seen before. Daniel is called to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a giant image/statue. The massive image of gold, silver, bronze and iron represents the kingdoms that would rule throughout the ages until the return of Christ. As described in Daniel 2:40-43, the final kingdom, represented by the feet, is made of iron and clay:
The phrase highlighted in red above consists of the following Hebrew words:
havah arab zera
It roughly translates as:
'the iron and clay will cleave and mix with the seed (future generations) of men.'
Could this have been a prophetic reference to the use of genetic engineering and the attempt to integrate man and machine???
Time will tell. The hour may be later than we suspect...
Romans 13:11-12