Cloudless nights reveal distant galaxies, ceaselessly declaring His glory. The Father of Lights continually cries out to us through Creation. calling us back to Himself, Our Source. He has set eternity in our hearts, the signature of His image. He created us for Himself, and longs for each of us to find our Home in Him. I think of Dickens' character, the Ghost of Christmas Present, beckoning Ebenezer Scrooge: "Come in! And know me better, man!"
Mercifully, God has given us the Bible, a Manual and a Map of sorts...a framework for following. He reveals Himself, shares His Story with us, and outlines His Design for our destiny. Through the Prophets He has left guideposts, something like markers on a mountain trail. From time to time as we study, the Spirit whispers:
First up? Daniel.
Soli Deo Gloria!