'Mene' - "God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end;
again for emphasis:
' Mene' - God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end;
'Tekel' - You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting:
'Parsin' - Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians."
(Daniel Chapter 5)
I had planned to blog about our recent trip to Albania and Kosovo. So many lessons to be learned there. This morning however I was confronted with what sadly appears to be 'the handwriting on the wall' for the United States of America.
For years now we have witnessed/experienced the erosion of our privacy and freedom. We are subjected to unchecked, federally-funded electronic surveillance directed at virtually all forms of communication. In addition, Congress approved the use of 30,000 drones for 'domestic surveillance' in 2012. A multitude of Executive Orders have been crafted and signed, giving the administration LIMITLESS POWERS to control the food and water supplies, communication, all modes of transportation, public and private, sources of energy production, etc. It seems life as we know it hangs in the balance...
In May of last year the President hosted a seminar on 'extremism.' At that time a report was issued that redefined the term 'Enemies of the State' as those who hold traditional values, vow to protect the Constitution, are 'pro-life', etc.
Citizens have watched as thousands of armored vehicles and other military equipment (often bearing the "UN" logo) have been distributed across the nation during the past year or so. Military exercises, previously restricted to 'reservations' built for that purpose have been conducted in populated areas. 'Jade Helm 2015' (subtitled 'Mastering the Human Domain' ) actually rehearsed the abduction of potential dissidents.
The stage has been set. what I learned today has convinced me that we have passed the point of no return. Mene, Mene Tekel, Parsin.
On July 1, 2016 the President of the United States signed an Executive Order which changes the rules of engagement between the military and U.S. citizens. For the first time in history the military has been given permission to use force on American citizens, on American soil!
The following is a brief excerpt from the executive order, which can be viewed in its entirety on the official government website for the White House:
of the use of force..."
Many will argue, "Our soldiers will never turn on American citizens!" For that very reason the current administration has put in place a backup plan. In May of this year Samantha Power (U.S. ambassador to the U.N.) 'proudly' and 'humbly' joined 28 other nations in signing an agreement called the 'Kigali Principle.' This agreement endorses and allows FOREIGN TROOPS to use FORCE against AMERICAN CITIZENS on AMERICAN SOIL!
According to Webster's dictionary it means, 'The state of being made ready, specifically for war.' I believe the fullness of time has come. Our 'kingdom' has been divided and given over to the enemy.
call upon Him while He is near:
Let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts:
And let him return to the Lord,
and He will have mercy upon him;
And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
(Isaiah 55:6-7)