"Rita, there is just so much going on in our lives right now. I just don't think I can manage one more thing! I can't come. I am so sorry!"
"What's your phone number???" she demanded.
A few minutes later the phone rang...
"I don't know you that well, Anne, but it seems as if you have poured out and poured out. It's time for you to receive..." She urged me to reconsider.
I promised her I would talk with Henry and get back to her. I called him, sharing what Rita had said and we both agreed I should go.
"I just had the most incredible time with the Lord. I want to take you out to dinner tonight and share it with you."
In twenty-three years of marriage he had NEVER called to tell me of a particular prayer time. I could not imagine what could be SO important that he wouldn't discuss it over the phone!
2 Peter Chapter 1:
"...We did not follow cleverly invented stories...but we were eyewitnesses to His majesty...and we have the Word of the prophets made more certain, AND YOU WILL DO WELL TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT , as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts..."
Having read, he prayed,
"Lord, if you have a word of prophecy for me today, DON'T LET ME MISS IT!"
"You have poured out and poured out. It's time to receive."
He knew immediately this was the word of prophecy God had for us.
His mind raced and he began to pray:
Never once have I left you or forsaken you." The Lord continued...
"You cannot get assurance or safety aside from me or my will."
"I created you to be a LEADER! Now, lead decisively!
Stay focused. Come out of her.